IMCC General Meeting 14 December 2021, 2 pm - 3.30 pm
Tuesday 14 December 2021, 2:00pm
MS Teams
Co-chaired by Anna Wilson and Scott Hale
Welcome, brief overview of the IMCC ‘major interdisciplinary’ Hub project, introductions (2.00 - 2.25 pm: led by Anna Wilson)
1-minute introductions - all
Challenges and opportunities for collaboration - (2.25 pm, led by Scott Hale)
Exploring overlaps in research interests and research resources – research questions, data, methods, etc, and challenges scholars encounter in their individual research areas which can be addressed through interdisciplinary research collaboration;
Research Questions: Participants are asked to think about longer lists of research questions of
most interest to their own research, their lab’s research, their disciplines more broadly while
aiming to determine which of those research questions truly require interdisciplinary
Challenges: It is important to share challenges and not just a summary of your research area!
Clusters: Exploring the interdisciplinary configuration of IMCC.
Reflections and closing remarks (led by Anna and Scott) (3:15-3.30 pm)